Saturday, 28 November 2015

Three Most Common Axle Issues and Indicators


Car maintenance includes so many things that it can be hard to keep track. The suspension of a car is one of the most vital components, and it is among the most dangerous problems to leave unchecked. There are a few simple indicators that can let you know if your axle is in trouble. These are the three most common problems:

1. Abnormal Noises

This occurs when the axle is no longer rotating smoothly. Typically a clicking noise will be the indicator, especially while cornering. In some cases a grinding or clunking sound will accompany an axle that needs to be replaced.

2. Vibration

This is very easy to detect and is usually indicative of a CV joint issue. Replacing the joint is usually a simpler and less expensive problem, but any axle issue can be potentially dangerous. In sever cases, the care may feel like it has a warped wheel.

3. Loose Movement

When the vehicle is lifted or resting on jack stands, moving the wheel should cause a very small response from the axle. If you feel any significant movement, it means the axle has lost integrity and needs to be replaced. This issue is most prevalent as mileage exceeds 100,000.

You have access to axle repair in Pacific Beach. Simply follow the website to see your options.

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